Week1A: My Template

            I have chosen to use the cutting board template, with array of  ingredients. The custard pie symbolizing the finalized product. This centralized theme, is symbolic to me, because I love to cook and mastermind new recipes. I started cooking when I was about 10 years old. I discover a passion, which has carried over from adolescence into adulthood. Like most new chefs, I began my journey by following the lead of family member, my mom. Together, we would select basic recipes from collection of cookbooks around the house. Being strongly opinionated child, I always wanted to put my own spin on everything we created and deviate from steps. I was taught at early age, that to be successful in anything, you must exhibit discipline. Following directions, exhibiting due diligence to accomplish your goals.

           There are several reasons that cooking has become embedded into my everyday life. The primary reason being, I wanted to know what goes into my food. Understanding how nutritional content of whole foods affect my mind, body and general health. I personally find cooking enjoyable, and challenging at times. Learning new techniques and processes constantly evolving. I feel sense of peace, when I get in the zone to begin constructing a meal. When I am having difficult day, kitchen serves as excellent environment for stress relief.  Cooking has become reflection of my identity. Crafting new recipes, gives me sense of pride, and  accomplishment from implementation to completion. I enjoy sharing ideas, and new techniques with family and friends, sampling array cuisines, and receiving constructive criticism.



  1. Hello your explanation of your blog template is very interesting and inspiring.
    Thats great that you got those traits instilled in you at a young age, and you followed through with what youve always wanted to do without letting anything or anyone stop you.
    I can relate when it comes to your comment about what goes into your food , i recently went vegan about a year ago, also in this day in age the ingredients in our food has caused ao many health problems that people arent aware of or simply dont care .

  2. I admire your passion for cooking. I feel that is a great skill to posses in life. I think you choose a great template to show who you are and you also explained your choice of template and who you are very well. I am excited to view what you post.

  3. Clean photo and layout!
    If you haven't considered it yet, you should have a blog for your cooking! This is a great place to start and get feedback.


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