Week #12 Blog 1A
Niccos Gyros has lots of opportunity to
grow our expanding business. There are 4 key online marketing tools, which will
give me a strategic advantage over my competition. As a startup food truck
service with a limited budget to adhere, maximizing resource potential to
expand our business model. Google Plus offers many options, to form unique
identity for Niccos Gyros. I would start by developing, Circles differentiating
my friends, from fans of the company. This tool has the distinct ability, to
choose who views content posted. As a business model I would want to expand my
reach to public following. Building interest from my devoted followers to open
doors for in depth conversations. The more interaction that I can share with my
guests will enhance trust toward our business relationship. Since we have
several areas of interests posted on our newsletter, health fitness, Greek
news, promotions and so forth. Joining community would be excellent networking
opportunity. Google Plus gives Niccos the distinct ability to broaden our
geographic spectrum across the USA, identifying our target market.
platform could be useful tool to integrate into Niccos Gyros current
strategies. This application has some advantages which we cannot overlook.
Consumers use Yelp to make decisions on whether to conduct business with
company based on other customer’s experiences. Taking care of guests needs at
our store front and virtually on social media will always be our top priority. Consumers
want their point of view to be heard and acknowledged. I know several
individuals in my professional and personal life that use this service almost
exclusively to make decisions on conducting business transactions with a
vendor. Yelp gives my business the opportunity to advertise our products and
services and also generate coupon marketing. Downside to Yelp is one
sided portal and not always based upon factual information. Perceptions can be biased
upon many factors and will sometimes effect rankings if not closely monitored. As
business owner I would reach out to consumer whom may have had experience which
wasn’t up to business standards.
in is another viable alternative to generate a tighter niche network of
professionals in the same food and service industry. This platform is great
forum to meet business owners and share content and articles on topics which
directly correlate to food truck industry. My posted contacts can psot recommendations
to endorse our gyros, while promoting levels of expertise and skills. Niccos
has opportunity to post questions and share feedback to promote skills sets.
Also enables the ability to network with business professionals and locate skilled
workers to join our team.
Google Maps is free application
that I will be posting on all of my social media accounts, I want to keep all
followers informed on locations in which we will be visiting for the day.
Generating a public map that all user can access will create buzz on where we
will be selling our epic gyros for the day. Niccos is strong believer that
music and great food make perfect pairing. We want to incorporate a live
streaming service link connected to our website. Music has the ability to pump
up our guests and possibly link our gyros to genres of music or specific songs.
Any commodity that links Niccos Gyros in a positive light is always worth
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